Sunday, March 11, 2007

Extreme Makeover-Home Edition-March 11 episode

Did you see tonight's episode of Extreme Makeover? In this month's edition of the Wet Noodle Posse e-zine, I did the Superheroine article on one of the teenagers involved in helping make a dream come true for a family who suffered a triple whammy of tragedy. First, they lost their home to a fire. Then they lost their son/brother in a head on collision while trying to rebuild their home. Then Faith Tipton-Smith lost her job and they were unable to finish rebuilding the home her son Ransom had designed before his death.

The community came together and applied to Extreme Makeover to have the house finished, and tonight we got to see it happen. Did you watch the show? I don't know about you, but I've never watched that show without bawling at least once. Tonight, I cried most of the way through it. Partly because I heard about the accident at the time it happened through the mother of Chelsea Korzenko. Chelsea was one of Ransom's many friends, and the loss was devastating for her, as it was for all the student's at Cherokee High.

It was very moving, watching those two girls see their new home for the first time, to see the very obvious love that family has for each other, and to see how moved the other teens were by the whole process. And seeing the girl who got Ransom's heart was very emotional, especially when she met Ransom's family for the first time. And she's amazingly talented.

Tonight's show reminded me once again not to take life for granted, not to sweat the small stuff with my kids, and to not forget to tell them how very much I love them.

Thank you ABC for all you do for families who've had their lives turned upside down.

To read the story and see the pictures, click on the title above.


Nell Dixon said...

I wish I could have seen this but we might get it next year.

Bobbie (Sunny) Cole said...

I LOVE those shows - always bawl, though.