Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Today, millions of Irish (and non-Irish) people celebrate St. Patrick's day. St. Patrick was kidnapped from from Britain and brought to Ireland as a 16 year old slave. He later escaped, but returned to bring Christianity to the Irish people. While St. Patrick's day was originally a religious celebration, here in the US it is a day for parades, parties, and drinking green beer.

Though I can claim an Irish heritage, thanks to my grandfather, I'm not a fan of beer, corned beef, or cabbage. I'm also not a fan of crowds, so I'll be celebrating St. Paddy's day with a bit of shopping and game night with the family. And we'll do it Texas-style, with bbq beef and an as yet undecided dessert. I'm sure, though, that before the night is through I'll be wearing green and singing an Irish tune or two.

How about you? How do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day?

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